PIE Foundry

Become a User of the PIE Foundry

Submit a Proposal

Please fill out the form below to submit your proposal for PIE Foundry services. Confirm that your proposal meets our Capabilities and Submission Guidelines. In the event there is high demand for PIE Foundry services, applications may be prioritized by the following criteria: (1) Suitability for Foundry capabilites, (2) Scientific Merit, (3) Plans for Dissemination, and (4) Consortium diversity. We define the criteria in the following manner:

  • Suitability: Proposals should be suited to the capabilities of the Foundry and meet the submission requirements and guidelines. Proposals which underutilize the capabilities of the Foundry, or require processing or testing technology not readily available may not be suitable. Users should consult the Resource Capabilities section below and consult with Foundry staff to avoid proposals which present high technical risk of failure.
  • Scientific Impact: The mission of the Foundry is to advance new neuroscience research by providing better tools for neural recording and stimulation to researchers. Proposals will be judged based on their potential impact on neuroscience research.
  • Plans for Dissemination: Proposals must include plans for disseminating the results of their research, which can include scientific publications and presentations, and acknowledge and describe the use of Foundry provided devices or testing services.
  • Consortium Diversity: The PIE Foundry is committed to being a resource for a diverse array of research groups, and as such proposals from a wider array of research groups/institutions will be prioritized.

If you are submitting files please upload them at the bottom of the form.

Format: ###-###-#####
Please briefly describe your project/application (5000 characters max.)
Please briefly describe how the PIE Foundry technologies and capabilities are suited for your experimental needs (2000 characters max.)
Please briefly describe the scientific merit of your project, experment or application (5000 characters max.)
Please briefly describe your plans to disseminate any results to the scientific community (2000 characters max.)
Maximum size 25MB